Wessler is proud to announce Allie Barcome as this month's Employee Spotlight! Allie currently serves as our Assistant Marketing Manager - supporting our technical staff by preparing proposals for projects, company branding and advertising, and, basically, everything marketing-related!
Allie joined the Wessler team in 2015 and has played a key role by making sure everything Wessler puts together is high-quality.
We asked Allie some questions about her favorite things to do outside of work, her comic superhero (and real life ones!), and how she was attacked by a squirrel!
What are your roles/responsibilities at Wessler?
I am the Assistant Marketing Manager at Wessler. I support our technical staff by preparing Statements of Qualifications and help communicate our value to our clients through our brand, online presence, materials, conferences and events. I really do enjoy my job and want to help others be successful anyway I can. I get to work with a lot of interesting and great people at Wessler.
What does the Wessler Way mean to you?
To me the Wessler Way is not just one thing but a variety of things. I went to Butler University and it reminds me a lot of “The Butler Way - demands commitment, denies selfishness, accepts reality, yet seeks improvement everyday while putting the team above self.” Every day I come to work I make a commitment to my co-workers and our clients to be kind and give my best effort.
What are some of your favorite things to do outside of work?
I know this is cliché, but I love spending time with my family! My husband, AJ, and I have a two-year old son who keeps us on our toes. It is never a dull day in our house, but coming home to them is the best part of my day. Becoming parents has been one of the best things to happen to us. We enjoy visiting the Indianapolis Zoo and the Indiana State Museum throughout the year. My husband is from the South Bend/Mishawaka area, so Notre Dame Football is big in our house. We are also a Disney-loving family. We will be making our 3rd family trip to Walt Disney World in October.

Tell us one thing that most people probably wouldn’t know about you.
Okay two things… I have a fear of squirrels (Sounds silly, I know!). I will intentionally avoid them as much as possible. When I was five years old, I was bit in the leg by a squirrel - and I still have the scars to prove it!
Growing up I wanted to be a physician and anyone who knew me as a child would have thought that was what I would be doing. As a child I would set up an Emergency Room with my dolls and TY Beanie Babies as patients. I did it all - from stitching up a minor cut to performing a lifesaving surgery (a pulmonary thromboendarterectomy to be exact) when one of my “patients” suffered a pulmonary embolism. I love medicine and have grown up in it, as both of my parents work in the medical field. The human body is an amazing thing. To this day I still ask my dad questions about diagnoses and treatment options and read the medical journals that get delivered to my parents’ home. Maybe one day I will head back to school. 😉
What are some things you haven’t done yet that you would like to do?
I want to take my family abroad to document and learn about where our family originated.I would love to visit and participate in a yoga ashram in India one day. I find yoga and meditation good for the soul, especially when life is all about the hustle these days.
If you could be an animal, which one would you be?
Easy - a Zebra! They are my favorite animal.
What are some shows you are currently watching?
I just finished Evil Genius (I won’t spoil it for anyone) and One Hour to Save Your Life on Netflix. I really enjoy watching Documentaries. Send me all your suggestions! 😊Who is your favorite superhero?
Comic Series: This is a tough one, but I am going to have to go with Wonder Woman. She does it all.
Real Life: My Mom and Dad. I wouldn’t be where I am today without them. I think it is easy to take parents for granted. It wasn’t until I became a parent that I really understood all the time and effort my parents put in to me and my upbringing. Parents sacrifice a lot and never expect a thank you or payout in return. As our son is growing up I find myself thinking in moments “Wow, I made my mom and dad put up with that?! I am calling them tonight to apologize and thank them.” During my journey through parenthood, I hope I am able to provide my own family with the same unconditional love and instill the values of love, respect, compassion, humility and hard work in my own child(ren).