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Employee Spotlight: Jason Mackiewicz

Posted By Tyler Graves on March 21, 2016

I’m pleased to announce Jason Mackiewicz as our Mackiewicz_Jason-1.jpg
March Employee of the Month! 

We asked Jason a few questions about himself so you could get to know him better.

What are your roles and responsibilities for clients of Wessler Engineering?

As the Network Administrator here at Wessler, I am responsible for all the computers and servers, the software that runs on them and finding new technology to help keep Wessler on the cutting edge of new technology. I do what I can to find quick and efficient ways to keep all of our staff and clients happy.

What is the most important lesson you have learned over the last year?

The biggest lessen I have learned this year is that mistakes are part of our lives, if you don’t make mistakes how can you learn?          

Tell us one thing you want each of your clients to know about you?

I have two wonderful daughters who I enjoy spending time and having fun with. They are very different from one another and I think they are amazing. Each one of them has a great personality. I am the luckiest dad in the world to have them in my life. I am so proud of both of them. They both have such strong morals and always make the right decisions.

What does the “Wessler Way” mean to you?

The Wessler Way to me is accomplishing your goals with a positive outlook in all you do. I have found here at Wessler, that everyone has a way of saying things that build your character and I aspire to make sure I am the same with everyone I encounter.

What technology related question do you get the most?

"Why isn’t it working? It worked that way yesterday." I find it funny that I get that question. I ask myself that same question when encountering problems with computers.

What is one piece of technology that you couldn’t go without?

My iPhone. It connects me to everything. I can log on to my computer with it from just about anywhere, get email, check Facebook, text, call friends and family members, see the weather, news, etc.

It is that time of year! The weather is getting warmer and spring break is finally in sight. If you won an all-expenses paid trip to the destination of your choice, where would you go and who (if anyone) would you take with you?

I would have to say Disney World without a doubt. I would take both of my daughters so they could expereince what it is like to be a Disney Princess. That’s not to say that I wouldn’t want to go. It has kind of been a secret childhood dream to go.


