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Employee Spotlight: Mary Such

Written by Seth Morin | Jan 25, 2017 3:00:00 PM

Wessler is proud to announce Mary Such as our employee of the month! We asked her some questions so you can get to know her better. Congratulations Mary and thank you for your dedication and hard work.

What are your roles and responsibilities at Wessler?

Assistant Controller - Prepare billings, all phases of accounts payable, review timesheets before Project Manager approval, and keep track of the company vehicles.

What does the "Wessler Way" mean to you?

Being friendly, courteous, and having respect.

What are some important lessons you have learned while working at Wessler?

Things constantly change.

Outside of work, what are some of your favorite hobbies?

Spending time with my grandchildren, sewing, and gardening.

What is one thing you would like for your co-workers to know about you?

I have been here 18 years. I think everyone knows what I want them to know.

What are some of your favorite things to do with your children and grandchildren?

I enjoy seeing and talking with the children. The grandchildren bring joy to my life no matter what we do. Spending time with the grandchildren can make all of your problems and concerns disappear for the time you are with them.

With this beautiful Indiana weather we are experiencing right now, if you were to win an all-expenses paid trip to a destination of your choice - where would you go and who (if anyone) would you take with you?

Just give me a cabin in the mountains that is away from everything, and I would take my husband.