The Wessler team is proud to announce our March employee of the month, Shawn Perkins.
What do you do for Wessler Engineering clients?
I am a Senior Project Engineer in the Electrical Engineering Department with a focus on Instrumentation and Controls. Before joining Wessler I spent most of my career as a System Integrator so I’m well versed in the industrial automation needs of our clients. For the last ten years my focus has been on providing solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, which has a higher level of expectation in many regards than your typical, non-regulated industry. But not every industry can be treated like it’s a pharmaceutical company. It is my vision to leverage the best practices from that industry, the ones that work and provide the most value, into viable solutions for our current and future clients. In addition to my role in the design process, I am also pleased to say that Wessler now has in-house capability when it comes to our clients’ critical programming and system development needs. Currently I will be providing those services myself, but will serve more as a mentor/trainer as Wessler branches out and grows this part of the business.
Name one thing you look forward to doing each day in your profession.
Solving problems. That is what I do best and what brings me great joy. Some problems are big, some small, some are challenging while occasionally other solutions come quickly. Those are the best because the payback is immediate. Other problems require more work and a systematic, disciplined approach. Early in my career I learned how to solve technical issues by breaking down the big problems into smaller, manageable chunks. Later I realized that other problems, such as schedule conflicts, resource management, procedures that aren't working, etc., can all be solved in the same manner.
Why are the Kardashians famous and which one is your favorite?
Some people worry that global warming will wipe out all of humanity in a few dozen centuries. I'm more concerned about "reality" TV which kills more brain cells per capita than all the drugs at a Grateful Dead concert. To me, Kardashians is a code word for "change the channel." My ideal Kardashian is one that doesn't exist- one that has never been in the news or posted a selfie.
What make and model was your first car?
My first two cars were both towed to my house because they weren't even drivable. The first was an early 70's Chevrolet Vega. I never did get that thing running. My next car was a 1975 Pontiac Grand Prix. Luckily it only needed a new starter so I was more successful with that endeavor.
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in the past year?
After a few days on the job here at Wessler Engineering, my wife asked me how I liked the new job. "It's awesome, although there is one problem…” I said. "I'm not the smartest person in the room anymore." Perhaps it's a stretch to say I was ever the smartest one anywhere, but it was evident when I came here that I had a lot to learn, and plenty of wonderful and willing people to learn from. Learning is a never-ending continuous process. Every day I re-learn that I don't know as much as I thought I knew, and that I'll be even further behind if I don't learn something more by tomorrow.
Have you ever solved a Rubik’s Cube?
Yes, many years ago when it first came out. My son is an expert though, he even has one with 4 or 5 rows and columns.
As an electrical engineer, do you think Tesla was robbed by Edison?
I'm going to take a pass on that direct question and submit and alternating one. They were both a bit before my time but I do know that they had some rather electrifying arguments. On a related note I did hear that as part of my "Employee of the Month" package I will receive a new Tesla. Perfect timing with the new model just coming out!
What does the “Wessler Way” mean to you?
To me the "Wessler Way" means following through, living up to your commitments. Every day we make commitments to our clients, our partners, our co-workers, and even ourselves. We have an obligation to give back to our local community, state, and country, and we are delighted to have that opportunity. It's easy for a company to say "Our focus is on the client" or "We will exceed your expectations". It's easy for a company to say they give back to the community and support their employees. What I've noticed in my short time here at Wessler is that as a company we FOLLOW THROUGH with those ideals and commitments, and it's not just some marketing mumbo-jumbo. We are a professional service provider and service providers only thrive with happy customers.
Customers know if you're committed to them at an intimate level, and when you are that makes them happy. I've been here less than 6 months but already have participated in many company outings. In November we supported Food Drive for Hunger, in December we partnered with United Way to Adopt a Family, and then nearly the entire company spent a full day volunteering at Gleaners Food Bank. That's following through on your commitments, that's giving back your community, that's the "Wessler Way" and I'm proud to be a part of it.