Posted By Jake Barker on May 02, 2016

Consumer Confidence Reports are due in 59 days!
Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs) are due to your drinking water customers on or before July 1, 2016. Wessler has developed the following list of tips to help your community get the most out of your CCR:
- EPA’s Third Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 3) requires monitoring of 30 contaminants between 2013 and 2015.
Public Water Supply Systems that conducted monitoring for these contaminants between 2013 and 2015 are required to report those contaminants exceeding the detection limit in the annual CCR (40 CFR 141.153[d]). - Public Water Supply Systems are to notify the public that the results of EPA’s UCMR 3 monitoring are available (40 CFR 141.207). EPA allows this public notice to be placed in the annual CCR.
- Did you know that the EPA requires specific additional health information be included in the CCR? 40 CFR 141.154 describes required additional health information, including a brief educational statement concerning lead in drinking water. This is a great opportunity for Public Water Supply Systems to address public requests concerning lead in drinking water and its impact on those most vulnerable consumers.
- EPA no longer allows state regulatory agencies to grant monitoring waivers for cyanide. Therefore, Public Water Supply Systems are required to monitor for cyanide. Public Water Supply Systems that conducted monitoring for cyanide in 2015 are required to report detection level exceedances in the annual CCR.
If you have questions concerning your community’s annual CCR or if you would like more tips to help you get the most out of your CCR, please contact Jacob Barker at 317-788-4551.