The name itself, is an acronym that stands for the Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System. It is a computer program developed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) that models the hydraulics of water flow through natural rivers and other channels.
The benefit of flood modeling is that it provides valuable information regarding flood behavior and risk. This, in turn, allows floodplain professionals the ability to establish base flood elevations and floodway limits. It also enables the evaluation of impacts from proposed developments in accordance with the Indiana Flood Control Act and the National Flood Insurance Program. While other flood modeling software programs are acceptable to the state or local regulatory agency, the use of HEC-RAS is encouraged.
If you have a project that may impact an existing floodway or floodplain, you may need hydraulic modeling performed on your behalf to gain regulatory approval. If so, give Wessler a call and we can move your project along!
Also, be sure to check out our Environmental and Stormwater Services to see what all we can provide!