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Rain, Rain Go Away

Posted By Joseph Bartos on May 08, 2017


Rain, Rain Go Away. If you live just about anywhere in the Midwest, it may be a few days since you have seen the sun. Large amounts of rain can be a cause of headaches in many communities. From interfering with events, to flooding, to wreaking havoc on your already-overloaded infrastructure, precipitation is often a cause for consternation!

Your wastewater collection system could be taking on a large brunt of the stress. Wet weather events can certainly reveal weak or problematic areas in your system. There are several ways to avoid such surprises:

  • Having complete and updated maps of your entire system
  • Using those maps and customer complaint records to identify potential areas of concern
  • Establishing and sticking to a routine maintenance plan

A wise person once said “you don’t know what you don’t know.” Well we are here to help! We have put together some quizzes to help you better understand your system’s integrity and possibly identify areas for improvement.



