Wessler Engineering worked with the City of New Haven, Indiana on a tank raising project at their Ryan Road water storage tank. Watch the timelapse video below (filmed by Wessler's own, Don Thompson) to see how it was done.
Project Stats:
Tank Capacity – 500,000 Gallons
Tank Diameter – 56 Feet
Original Tank Height – 135 Feet
New Tank Height – 179 Feet
Date Raised – May 28, 2015
Height to Overflow -174 Feet
Water Pressure at Tank Base When Full – 75 Pounds Per Square Inch

The tank, erected in 1998, could not be safely used as originally connected and configured. The tank was so far out on the perimeter of the distribution system, and the pressure in the distribution system was so high, that the water in the tank could not be turned over enough to keep it safe for consumption. The elevated water storage tank was raised so that the water pressure in the distribution system on the east side of the City could be maintained during high demand periods. This also allows more water to be delivered throughout the City when needed for emergencies or for fighting fires.
The new control valve is being installed on the water main that conveys water to the east side of the City and will be used to vary the water level in the tank throughout the day, enough to keep the water fresh.
The raised tank is being cleaned and repainted prior to placing it into service.