As part of our sponsorship with Accelerate Indiana Municipalities (Aim), the Wessler Engineering team hosted a "Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) - An Alternative Delivery Method" webinar to share information on this value-added option for municipal leaders to consider in their financing evaluations. Special thanks to Warsaw Indiana Mayor Joe Thallemer, Waterloo Indiana Town Manager Pam Howard and GM Development Owner Greg Martz who joined Wessler Vice President and Fort Wayne Office Manager Aaron Hutton, P.E. on the webinar.
Webinar participants learned about:
what is BOT?
why BOT?
engineering contracts within BOT
Indiana Code requirements for BOT
financing options
City of Warsaw's and Town of Waterloo's unique BOT project experiences
and more!
To learn more about the City of Warsaw, Town of Waterloo and GM Development, click the links below: