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Asset Management can be a big undertaking - how do you get started?

Asset Managment_ Offer.jpgAsset management plans can give you a plethora of useful information about your system. This information is most useful when developing a capital improvement plan (CIP) or for utility master planning. How nice would it be to know what and when you need to replace, repair or do routine maintenance on your system? If implemented, asset management plans and capital improvement plans can save you time, money, and headaches from potential surprises.

We have created this Excel document to help you get started. Each tab in the Excel file is a specific part of your system, from pumps to electrical, chemicals, and more. While it can be a lot at first, try to start collecting the basic information- such as model number, year placed in service, and the component's location.

Complete the form on the right to download the Asset Management Excel file.

Be sure to review our webinar on Asset Management too! The webinar covers an approach and explains Probability of Failure (PoF), Consequence of Failure (CoS), Redundancy Score (R.S.), and Business Risk Exposure (BRE) rating.

Hyperlink not working? Copy and paste this link in to your browser: https://www.wesslerengineering.com/asset-management-for-capital-planning

Questions? Contact Dylan Lambermont, P.E., LEED AP, at 317-788-4551 or at DylanL@wesslerengineering.com.

Thank you for downloading our content. We hope you find it useful!


Download our Free Asset Management Excel Sheet