Coronavirus. COVID-19. Evil virus. Gamechanger. Reality check. A new way of life. Whatever you want to call it, it is here and has changed all our lives in a matter of an instant.
From the perspective of a business development representative, it has been eye-opening for me. All my life, I have gotten my energy from being around people. I have never been one for taking time off because I like being at work and being there for my clients. I like being out and about. Even when I was director of parks and recreation for Shelbyville, I did not sit behind my desk eight hours a day; I was always out checking on programs and activities, as well as talking with people. When I had breast cancer, I could not wait to get back to work so I could be around people. Some people think I’m crazy, but it is my norm and I find it energizing.
Wow, has this sudden change been a punch in the gut! Most of us are working from home now. For me, this is very difficult. I am used to being in my car and stopping in to see you - clients and friends - just to see how you are doing. How is your family? How is league play going? What fun is going on in your life right now? How can I help you? How is your water system running? This is very hard to do while sitting at my dining room table, drinking coffee and staring out the glass of the dining room door. How do I tell you I care and that I am here to help you?
As the coming days and weeks unfold, we are all in a new learning curve. How we handle it will say a lot about us. Let’s be patient and understanding with each other. Many folks are experiencing fear, anxiety, grief, and frustration all while being asked to stay at home unsure of what will happen next. Working for cities, towns and counties opens our eyes to a lot more than the average citizen sees. Since we cannot “hold their hands,” it is imperative that we listen, be patient and answer questions the best we can.

For me, I am having to learn new things. I am very old school and technology…well, I really struggle with it normally. Now Microsoft Teams, FaceTime and Zoom are becoming a part of my everyday life. Who knew I could adapt?!
So, if I call you or send you an email to check in on you, please don’t be mad at me. It is only because I want to see how you are doing (and maybe I need the interaction too. 😊 I find it invigorating).
I will say, just for the moment, it has been nice to sit at my table, drink coffee, listen to the birds sing and hear the sweet sounds of the wind chimes. And, for the first time, I noticed the daffodils in bloom in my neighbor’s yard. Life is good!
Stay calm, keep safe, wash your hands, stay home, keep smiling, and be kind.